Communiverse®️ was a lifesaver for our family! Susan Paul’s concise “survival” phrases enabled our family to begin communicating with our child with autism in a helpful and caring way. Susan was always there to help me — no matter how big or small the problem was; she was ready to listen, prompt to respond, and eager to help in any way she could. She was able to give me answers to our child’s behavioral problems that no one else had ever been able to. Her sharp intellect and incredible social skills make an amazing combo. Susan is much more than a professional speech pathologist, she is also an understanding “veteran” mom – which made working with her so much more comfortable. Susan went above and beyond our regular “session time” in sending a weekly summary of areas of progress, weakness, and tips for moving forward this week. I loved knowing what to specifically work on each week at home. Having her “cliff notes” from sessions tremendously helped our extended family, teachers, and other therapists in working with our child. Also, the Communiverse®️ staff was a delight to work with. I was always able to promptly get in touch with someone via phone or email who was helpful and considerate of my time, dealing with a child with special needs. I highly recommend Susan Paul and Communiverse®️. They sincerely cared about our child and family surviving, succeeding, and thriving in life. We are so grateful to have found them!